
Wendy Meyer Presents to Students Pursuing Superintendent Certification

Wendy Meyer Attorney At LawAs part of the capstone class for individuals seeking their Superintendent Certification, Lane & Waterman attorney Wendy Meyer presented to University of Northern Iowa’s Educational Leadership and Post-Secondary Education students on legal issues in education. The virtual class welcomed Wendy to answer numerous questions covering student civil rights, service animals, divorcing parents, truancy, and a host of other topics. Students in the program represent a range of school districts across the state of Iowa and are in administrative roles within their respective school districts.

With regard to presenting to the UNI students, Wendy commented, “I always look forward to the opportunity to present to these students. I enjoy interacting with them through the question and answer format and I learn what issues these educational leaders are facing in their own school districts, which better helps me serve our school clients here.”

This is Wendy’s second time presenting to the capstone students as part of their program to receive their Superintendent Certification. She regularly presents on employment law issues to school districts, nonprofits, and businesses across the state.


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