
Summer Associate Introduction: Christian Fricke

The firm’s Summer Associate program offers law students practical legal experience following their first and second years of law school. During this program, Summer Associates engage in active client matters, and assist by, among other things, drafting briefs and transactional documents; participating in depositions, arbitration, and mediation sessions; attending client meetings; and observing courtroom procedures. We took the opportunity to speak with each associate to learn about their interests both within and beyond the legal field. Our first feature is Christian Fricke.

  • What inspired you to choose law as a career?
    • I chose law as a career because I felt that it would be the best way for me to constantly learn new things, try to figure out answers to complex and difficult problems, and never get bored.
  • Tell us about a case you studied in law school that made a deep impact on you. Why did it resonate?
    • That’s a hard question because, while there are certainly many interesting cases, I can’t say many have had a deep impact on me. I suppose the cases about attorneys’ misconduct or mistakes had the most impact on me personally, though, because they demonstrate the importance and necessity that diligence and professionalism play in everything a lawyer does.
  • What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
    • You might not always be the smartest, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work the hardest.
  • What is a non-legal hobby or interest you have that might surprise us?
    • Honestly, most of my hobbies are not very surprising. I like spending time with my Fiancée and two dogs, I like sports and any game that’s competitive, and I have fun cooking new things.
  • What is a book/podcast you’re into right now?
    • On long drives I listen to Freakonomics Radio which I find interesting because they talk about the economics of random things.
  • Favorite Legal tv series or movie, preferred study snack, most used legal jargon:
    • My favorite legal tv series is “Suits,” my preferred study snack is coffee, and the legal jargon I use the most is “allegedly.”


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