Introducing… Sam Cropper

Lane & Waterman is proud to welcome three new associates in the summer of 2022: Sam Cropper, Brittany Kammerer, and Sarah Oberg Ramirez.
We sat down with each of them to learn a little about their interests inside (and outside) the field of law. Last but not least is Sam Cropper.
Sam received his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The University of Utah, his Master of Health Administration (MHA) from The University of Iowa College of Public Health, and his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from the University of Iowa College of Law. While in law school, Sam served as President of the Iowa Student Health Law Association and as an Associate Editor for Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems. Sam also worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Introduction to Marketing class through The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.
During the Fall Semester of 2019, Sam worked as the In-House Counsel Extern for the University of Iowa Health Care’s legal department, gaining valuable experience helping address the legal challenges of a large health system.
What was your favorite class in law school?
I had two favorite classes in law school! The first was a corporate governance class of 12 students where we played the part of a board of directors every week. The Professor was Eileen Kamerick, who serves on multiple public company boards herself. Professor Kamerick would provide us with some governance question each week, and we would work to solve it in two hours, pretty fun stuff for a law student. My second favorite class was a medical seminar class where we shadowed doctors at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. I was assigned to the Medical Psychiatric Unit. Given that I now work in the area of health law, it was a great experience to have one-on-one exposure with various doctors. I was able to come to a better understanding of what doctors need from their attorneys.
What makes the area of law you hope to focus on attractive or interesting?
While I typically do general corporate work, my area of focus is in health law. This area of law applies to healthcare clients such as hospitals, medical clinics, doctors, dentists, chiropractors, etc. Healthcare work is complicated as it is one of the most highly regulated industries in the US. That level of complexity is actually what I love the most about doing healthcare work. I also enjoy that health law work is for clients whose job it is to care for others. I know that might sound cliché, but it’s what makes me happy to go to work in the morning.
What is another career you would consider if not here practicing law?
For a time, I wanted to be an Astronautical Engineer. Those are the people that design rockets! I love everything that has to do with astronomy and space travel, so I thought that was the place for me. After I realized the level of math I would be required to learn, I quickly backed out of that choice. Other careers I considered were seeking a commission in the military as an officer or working in healthcare administration.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Work hard, then play hard. This is a quote from my Dad. He would tell me this on many Saturday mornings as we went outside to work on something in the yard.
What is a book / podcast you’re into right now?
I read a lot of non-fiction history books. The current book I am working on is The Plantagenets by Dan Jones. It’s a book about the early Kings and Queens of England (1154 A.D. to 1485 A.D., people like Richard the Lionheart).
Quick Round
Favorite legal tv series or movie?
TV series: “You can’t handle the truth” of my favorite legal movie choice. Any guesses from that quote? The answer: A Few Good Men. My favorite legal TV show is Suits.
Go-to Whitey’s order? This Whitey’s order has been carefully crafted over 15 years. I always order a Moose Tracks Boston with hot fudge mixed in and hot fudge and Moose Tracks on the top as the sundae. My order is about a billion calories.
Oxford Comma – Need it or lose it? I’ve always used it, so I would say “need it”! I think it makes things seem more organized.